Have you ever opened your Bible and thought “Where do I start?” We have!
We always used to struggle to be consistent in our Bible reading and by talking to others we found that we were definitely not alone. After Bryony heard the author Lara Casey speak about the power of ‘Writing the Word’, she decided to give it a go.
There are so many benefits to writing by hand. It helps you retain information more easily, it engages your brain in a more active and full way and it often sparks creativity.
We know now that writing the Bible is powerful stuff. There’s something about seeing God’s Word written in our own handwriting that can speak more powerfully to us than just by reading it. It doesn’t have to be perfect and the results don’t have to look pretty. You can do it first thing in the morning, last thing at night or while you’re waiting for your tea to brew!
We are now reading and writing the Bible nearly every day, not because we are super holy or disciplined but simply because we are doing something simple! And it’s changing us.
Why not give it a go?
Where do I start?
One of the main hurdles to getting stuck into the Bible is knowing where to start. It's a huge book (a book of books, actually!) and it can be really hard to decide what to read (and write out) first. That's why we create FREE Bible Writing plans; we take books of the Bible and split them up into manageable daily chunks that you can write out, reflect on and respond to. All you need to do is:
Find a notebook
Find a pen
Follow the practice below:
In our journals, each day starts with Thanksgiving. This is an opportunity to note down the things we are thankful to God for; they might be as small as a hot cup of coffee or as big as an answer to that prayer you’ve been praying for months.
Next we grab our Bibles (any translation will do), find the passage and Write the Word.
Then we take some time to Reflect on what we’ve written. We highlight words that stand out to us, ask the question “What does this show me about the Holy Spirit?” and often finish by thanking God for His Word.
Finally, we Respond. Sometimes this looks like us writing a prayer, or making a note of an action we want to take as a result of what we’ve read, or heard God say.
This practice can grow as much as you like; there is no blue-print so feel free to be flexible and get creative!